Longis Reserve

longis pond

©Joshua Copping - Longis pond 

Mannez pond

©Joshua Copping - Mannez pond 

Longis reserve across to Raz

©Joshua Copping - Longis reserve and Raz

Longis Reserve

105 hectares of land
3 Miles of trails
13 Distinct habitats
A sweeping coastal reserve including high energy intertidal wetlands, species rich coastal grassland, freshwater wetlands and scrub.


Longis, Alderney
A static map of Longis Reserve

Know before you go

105 hectares

Entry fee

No fee

Parking information

Parking available on road or at the Nunnery or lighthouse

Grazing animals

Our small grazing herd comprised of Guernsey cattle maintain over 20ha to conserve the wildflower-rich grassland habitat and support the range of species that depend on it.


Some areas including the bird hides are suitable for wheelchair users but most paths are not suitable for wheelchair users or those with limited mobility.


Under effective control


Bird hides
Picnic area
Accessible toilet

When to visit

Opening times

Always open

Best time to visit

April to November

About the reserve

Longis is the largest terrestrial reserve within Alderney, covering approximately 1/8th of the island and containing 13 distinct habitats. These range from marine, inter-tidal and coastal heathland to scrub woodland and freshwater ponds.  Longis is a wildlife refuge, home to over 100 species of national importance. 

The Reserve was designated under a memorandum of understanding in 2003 between the Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT), the States of Alderney and local landowners.

Walking through the reserve's coastal trails you may glimpse rare plant species such as Small Hare’s-ear, Sand Crocus, Bastard Toadflax and Orange Bird’s-foot, as well as the endemic Alderney Sea Lavender on the rocky shore and, during late May and June, enjoy sightings of the nationally rare Glanville Fritillary.

Two bird hides overlook the reserve’s freshwater ponds (Longis and Mannez ponds), offering unrivalled views of waterfowl, songbirds and migrants alike.

Longis is the centre of the Alderney conservation herd with over 20ha managed using a small herd of Guernsey cattle, which help to maintain the wildflower-rich grassland and support the range of species that depend on it. 

Contact us

Contact number: 01481 822 935