New Year Solutions

New Year Solutions

Looking forward to the year ahead and what we can all do for the environemnt.

The New Year is almost always a time for resolutions, aiming to be better or improve in some area of our lives, from eating healthily, to taking up a new hobby, to saving money. This year could you include the environment in you resolutions? Whether ecological issues are something you take a lot of interest in or if they’re low on your priorities, the state of our planet will affect all our lives. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and so much more are affected by how we treat our environment and all will be hugely altered as our climate changes.

You can do various things to help nature in your everyday life, such as making your garden a haven for wildlife, taking part in a beach clean (The big Channel Islands clean will be on the 12th (Platte Saline/Crabby) and 13th (Longis) January at 2pm) and submitting your flora and fauna sightings to the AWT.

We look forward to working with the new mix of States members this year; we would love to see them tackling some of the larger problems facing our island environment such as sewage, the concerns surrounding waste/recycling, and increasing use of renewables – our future and the future of our living planet depends on us tackling these issues head on. What better time to start than now.